I havnt heard much from DJ JG or DJ Blaze but they do a good job here on this mixtape, same goes for the rapping aswell. Errelevent and Trey C I have enjoyed in the past and they rep on here, as do the other rappers.
The first song is On The Grind and is cool but not the best way to start the mixtape off. The rappers rock the beat well enough as far as lyrics go, but the flow could be a little better.
Rockin That Thang is a dope track that women can bump aswell as the playas. Im not a huge fan of these types of songs usually, but this is done well and enjoyable.
Best I Ever Had is another good track as Errelent and Nesra do a great job over another club/radio type of track. Once again its another song that both a dude or a beezy can listen to. I usually dont like the whole Auto-tune but the rappers on here do a great job and its great to hear Errelevent showing his versatility doing a club track.
Throw It In The Bag has Nesra and MDash doing they thang over another club radio friendly beat.
Magnificent is one of the better tracks on the album as Errelevent and Nesra once again do a good job and show that they have some great charizma together. It would be nice to hear an album or mixtape maybe with just these two dudes. Both rappers do the damn thang with lyrics and they flow, dope track!
She Is Back is not as dope as the last few tracks, as the track sounds a little forced and not as natural as some of the other tracks.
Right Like That is another track for the ladies but is more fast paced and it works very well. Like I said before im more of person who loves Mob music, jazz, reggae and blues music, but I can appreciate other stuff aswell. Probably the 2nd best track on the album right here as KDinero and Nesra do a nice job on the mic.
Halo goes hard and is solid the whole way thru and Mista Cane, Kap10 and Nesra sound comfortable together and over the beat.
Knock Me Down finishes the mixtape off and isnt bad, but doenst make me want to put it on repeat again either.
Overall this is a very solid mixtape that is more geared towards the ladies and the clubs, but I cant hate at all, these dudes went out and did the damn thang as far as club songs and songs for the women out there go. As 2pac said, you gotta have some stuff for the ladies out there aswell as the gangster shit and this mixtape shows these dudes can rock more then just complex lyrics or hood shit. Also one more thing, the recording quality and mixing is very well done for a mixtape, good shit.
If you get a chance check this mixtape out! Especially if you are looking for a cd to play while at a party or some ladies are over!
SCORE = 7/10
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